In the photo: CEO Hanna Sjöström, Ulrika Ringdahl COO, Deputy CEO SMiLe Incubator and Ebba Fåhreus, CEO SmiLe Incubator

On May 14th, the SwedenBio Annual Meeting and CEO Summit 2024, a pivotal gathering for life science industry leaders, was held at Münchenbryggeriet in Stockholm. CEO Hanna Sjöström attended SwedenBIO’s Executive Dinner, which centered on cultivating competent boards. The event featured Caroline Farberger as the keynote speaker, who shared her insights on “Driving Value Creation through Inclusion.” The evening also included presentations by notable figures such as Anders Sahlman, Moderator, Cecilia Callmer, Partner at Amrop, Åsa Otterlund, Founder & CEO of Vocati Advisory & Investments, and Hanna Eiderbrant, Impact Investor at Trill Impact.

During the initial segment of the annual meeting, SwedenBio reviewed the notable developments and achievements of the preceding year, 2023. The Medtech industry experienced significant growth and innovation, with numerous companies making remarkable advances in medical technology within Sweden. This progress culminated in heightened global recognition for Sweden’s Medtech sector, setting a promising tone for the future.

The event concluded with a panel discussion centered on the importance of board competence within the Life Science sector. In both Sweden and on a global scale, board competence has emerged as increasingly vital, driven by the rapid pace of advancement and the intricate regulatory landscapes characterizing this industry. Companies are allocating significant resources to enhance board competence, recognizing its pivotal role in navigating stringent regulations and fostering innovation.

Boards of Swedish Life Science companies are now expected to possess a comprehensive grasp of not only conventional business expertise but also specialized knowledge and strategic diversity in their composition, both perceived as advantageous in tackling the multifaceted challenges and opportunities inherent in the industry, from medical technology, healthcare regulations, digital health, and sustainability. Such breadth of understanding is indispensable for making well-informed decisions that impact product development, market penetration, and compliance with national and international standards.

“In the Life Science sector, board competence is not just a valuable asset but a critical necessity. As we navigate the complexities of rapid advancements and stringent regulatory landscapes, the strategic diversity and specialized knowledge within our boards empower us to make informed decisions that drive innovation and compliance. The evolving demands of medical technology, digital health, and sustainability require a deep understanding and comprehensive expertise that we are committed to fostering.”, says CEO Hanna Sjöström.

About SwedenBio
SwedenBIO is the national industry organization for life sciences in Sweden. Member companies within SwedenBIO primarily focus on the development of biotechnology, diagnostics, pharmaceuticals, and medical technology, or they specialize in areas such as business development, intellectual property, and legal matters. SwedenBIO also brings together financiers, incubators, science parks, regional investment promotion actors, and many more. A common characteristic among all members is their contribution to the advancement of medical innovations that enhance people’s health in Sweden and around the world. Founded in 2002, SwedenBIO is a non-profit membership organization.