Press communication
Lund, Sweden, May 14, 2024
This is a translation of the Swedish press release published 2024-05-14

Neola Medical AB (publ) announced today that Cardeon AB’s entire 2,358,805 shares in Neola Medical have been acquired by the company’s existing major shareholders ANMIRO AB, Conspargo Capital (Pär Josefsson), LMK, Brodvik AB, and Bengt Nevsten, as well as by new shareholder Daniel Oelker.

The acquisition of all Cardeon’s shares in Neola Medical was conducted through an off-market transaction. This means that Cardeon is no longer a shareholder in Neola Medical. ANMIRO AB strengthens its position as the main shareholder further by acquiring 394,602 shares, thereby controlling 25.2% of the shares in Neola Medical. Conspargo Capital (Pär Josefsson) acquires 394,602 shares and remains the second-largest shareholder with 23.6% of the shares. Brodvik AB acquires 394,601 shares, retaining its position as the third-largest shareholder with 10.9% of the shares. LMK acquires 375,000 shares, thus controlling 10.5% of the shares in Neola Medical and for the first time crosses the 10% ownership threshold. Bengt Nevsten acquires 300,000 shares, becoming the fifth-largest shareholder in Neola Medical with 3.4% of the shares. Daniel Oelker acquires 500,000 shares as a new shareholder in the company, owning 0.7% accordingly.

“It is significant for Neola Medical that existing major shareholders once again continue to strengthen their ownership positions in the company while we welcome yet another major shareholder. We appreciate the trust and long-term commitment demonstrated by our major shareholders through this transaction, and we view them as strategic partners for the company’s growth journey ahead, focusing on market launch in the USA.”, says CEO Hanna Sjöström.

Read the press release in Swedish here: Pressmeddelande – Cardeons samtliga aktier i Neola Medical förvärvas av storägare

For further information, contact:
Hanna Sjöström, CEO Neola Medical, phone: +46 (0)760-10 71 16, e-mail:

Neola Medical AB (publ) develops medical technology device for continuous monitoring of preterm born infants’ lungs. Immediate detection of complications provides the possibility of early treatment and improved health care. The patented technology is based on a spectroscopic method developed at Lund University in Sweden. The company was founded in 2016 and is listed on NASDAQ First North Growth Market (ticker: NEOLA). Read more at The company’s Certified Adviser is FNCA Sweden AB.